Welcome to Do it Now Now Community

An online community to upskill, connect, support and amplify the potential of Black people.


Do it Now Now Community is an online platform for Black people interested in learning, development, networking and access to free resources.
Our mission is to ensure that you have access to the tools, knowledge, skills and resources you need to build or further develop in a mariad of ways.

Why does this community exist?

Do it Now Now operates through several initiatives that focus on difference challenges and opportunities for the Black community. This platform provides an open space for you to access resources, conversations, and insight into our other initiatives and see if there are multiple ways for you to get involved and benefit from the work we do.


Through our short training courses, community members can gain a variety of skills that can help them grow.


We host various event series which permit the community to learn from experts along with a safe space to network.


Join other initiatives, see recommendations, hear about unique opportunities, and make this space your own.


The community platform celebrates its members and assists them to promote their work or business.

Join us

Sign up for a DiNN Membership code and you will receive an access link to the Do it Now Now Community.